Samedi 5 avril – de 9h00 à 11h30
Explorez l’envers du décor et vivez l’industrie autrement !
Explorez l’envers du décor et vivez l’industrie autrement !
Nature du poste à pourvoir :
Un ou une Ingénieur(e) Méthodes
Rattaché(e) au service Méthodes et Bureau d’études, vous pilotez les projets techniques dans le respect du devis et des exigences du client.
A ce titre, vous serez amené(e) à :
Profil :
De formation ingénieur en mécanique ou génie industriel, vous justifiez d’une expérience significative sur un site industriel métallurgique (chaudronnerie, tôlerie…) et/ou dans un service méthodes industrialisation.
Vous avez une bonne maîtrise des outils informatiques, de la lecture et de la réalisation de plans sur logiciel (idéalement Solid Edge) et de l’expérience sur un ERP (idéalement Axapta).
Vous avez un goût prononcé pour la gestion de projet, de réelles aptitudes en organisation et management transverse, vous êtes source de proposition, organisé(e), rigoureux(se), et vous aimez travailler en équipe, rejoignez-nous !
Conditions :
Avantages :
Missions, Vous participez à la réalisation de pièces en pliage sur des machines à Commande Numérique (CN). Dans ce cadre, vous serez amené(e) à :
Profil :
Vous avez des notions de lecture de plans et une première expérience du travail sur machine.
Vous êtes consciencieux, rigoureux et vous aimez le travail en équipe.
Rejoignez nos équipes !
Horaires, sur 35h, en 2X7 ou en normal
Poste en CDI à pourvoir dès à présent, basé à Rorthais (à 20 minutes de Bressuire et de Cholet).
Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux
Choisissez celui que vous préférez.
FREGATE, groupe familial ardéchois qui détient les sociétés FREGATE AERO, FREGATE ENERGIE,
FREGATE MECA et MAPE RGA double de taille par l’acquisition mardi 9 novembre de TFCM et des
filiales de ce groupe : AT2S, VIOT et TVM.
Cette acquisition fait désormais de FREGATE un groupe de 550 salariés.
With some €5.5 billion in sales, 76,000 employees, and an order backlog worth more than €40 billion, Alstom, following Bombardier Transportation’s acquisition, is now the world’s second largest train manufacturer.
TFCM SAS is engaged in a major program to deploy a sustainable digital transformation strategy.
TFCM SAS and satellite companies co-develop, industrialise and manufacture a wide variety of equipment for the rail transport sector’s development projects.
For nearly 40 years, TFCM and satellite companies have been building high-performance solutions towards solving central problems such as co-development, manufacture and just-in-time product supply, and sub-assembled and complex parts in fine sheet metal work.
Since the 1970s, TFCM SAS has been working with manufacturers in the railway, aerospace, urban bus and industrial sectors, within the framework of co-development and industrialisation of all types of parts and sub-assemblies in complex sheet metal work:
TFCM SAS bases its development on the controlled integration of robotic and cobotic systems, with two main objectives :
TFCM SAS opted for an investment in the latest generation of versatile, digital-operated machines with automatic loading/unloading systems.
CNC cutting and folding machines are governed through network programming in order to optimize setting times..
TFCM SAS also acquired new folding robots to cope with its investment programme.
Thanks to these sustained investments, the company is able to :
Be it for manual or automated welding systems, the welding and assembly platform is organized in modular stations.
Modular organization :
The welding platform is dedicated to each type of material (aluminium, steel, stainless steel).
Such organization ensures great flexibility towards load variations.
The organization in modular stations ensures great flexibility towards load variations.
Last-generation robots :
TFCM SAS has equipped its welding platform with last-generation robots.
Powder coating :
Degreasing and spray protection to improve coat adhesion on your sheet metal parts manufactured by TFCM
Application of an epoxy or polyester powder with an electrostatic gun in 1 or 2 passes depending on the required performance,
Cooking between 180° and 200° allows for paint polymerisation by creating a tight and impervious film.
Manufacturuing wiring slabs for the railway industry or produces thermal and sound insulation kits, industrial insulation, etc. These products go through various phases at TFCM SAS.
Equipment, railway cable trays :
Thermal and sound railway or industrial insulation :
All functions related to components assembly and integration in sub-assemblies or fully functional systems are operated in-house on a dedicated platform.
Assembly and Integration :
Assembly and integration operations are executed manually or semi-automatically for electrical, and mechanical components as well as heat and sound insulating elements. This is performed through screwing, crimping, riveting and pasting methods.
Kitting and Integration :
The integration of electrical and mechanical components and heat and sound insulating elements is executed manually.
TFCM SAS also performs the integration of electrical and electromechanical equipments (electrical cabinets, distribution boxes, consoles, shelters, etc…).
TFCM SAS has warehousing, inventory management, dedicated or specific packaging and delivery capacities.
For JIT deliveries, TFCM SAS will adapt the processing of the products to be delivered according to the different customer’s requirements :
Stock management
TFCM SAS has the physical capacity to store in its warehouses the components or sub-assemblies necessary to restocking supplies. As such, TFCM SAS manages a stock of over 70,000 items and parts lists.
Line-side Just in Time delivery
TFCM SAS has the necessary organization and planning tools to meet the various requirements of its clients.
The transport operations are assigned to specialized contractors approved by TFCM SAS.
Allowing new types of assembly, laser technologies are perfectly integrated within global and competitive solutions.
Based on TFCM’s organisation, skill transfers and global expertise, TVM adds value to TFCM and its satellites.
Subsidiary of TFCM AT2S is positionning among bus manufacturers for urban bus framework
Our objective is to always adapt supply chain, with special care for process synchronisation and performance improvement in productivity, deadlines, quality, safety and competitiveness.
Prototyping teams work from CAD files in order to validate a part concept, its technical manufacturing feasibility and conformity, under competitive conditions.
Our engineering and technical teams rely on our methods and robotic programming unit, as well as external partnerships, to design the best techno-economic solutions.
TFCM SAS and satellite companies master, from start to finish, quality and traceability of materials, manufacturing and processing, from project onset to the delivery of parts and sub-assemblies.
Alongside its AT2S subsidiary, TFCM has developed an industrial capacity designed for quick response to any change in the production speed of the various urban bus models.
TFCM’s format and industrial organisation allows it to position its offer within different activity sectors.